New California Vehicle Law
To make sure drivers don’t fall asleep, look at their phones, or stop paying attention, cars use driver monitoring systems — like cameras or sensors that check if the driver is watching the road. The laws in California (Article 17.5. Driver Monitoring Defeat Devices) prohibit you from messing with these driver monitoring systems.
What the Law Says (Simple Version):
1. You can’t use or install devices that block or interfere with driver monitoring systems. These are systems in your car that make sure the driver is alert and paying attention while using self-driving or driver assistance features (like lane assist or adaptive cruise control).
2. You can’t sell, buy, make, or advertise these types of blocking devices either.
3. If you break this rule, it’s considered an infraction (a minor violation, but still illegal).
Who is Allowed to Modify and Work with These Systems
The laws allow:
- Car companies to do official testing.
- Certified repair shops or professionals to do repairs or updates the car maker allows.
- Car makers to fix or update the system.
- Modifications to make vehicles accessible for people with disabilities (according to the Americans with Disabilities Act).
The law does not stop:
- Repair shops from accessing car computer systems to fix or improve vehicles safely.
- Taking emergency actions to protect people in danger.
Purpose of the Law:
The goal of this law is to keep drivers and passengers safe. Many new cars have advanced technology that helps with driving, like lane keeping or self-driving features.
Some people try to trick or block these systems using special devices (like fake eyes or camera blockers). This law makes it illegal to use or sell those devices, so the safety systems can do their job.
Even with these systems, you must stay alert and focused on your driving. Remember to take regular breaks to reduce the risk of fatigue. Read more about fatigue at
Learn More
To learn what a Driver Monitoring System is and how it works, we recommend this article: What is a Driver Monitoring System